Starport Status Update

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GalNet News

Your Galaxy In Focus
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.
The following starports are currently closed:
Brashear Landing, Jabugaly
Collins Station, Huichi
Dampier's Progress, Jabugaly
Ford Platform, HIP 41022
Griffiths Horizons, Ruchbah
Israel Port, Mudrama Kaze
Jeury Silo, Obambori
Lindblad Hub, Venexo
Scott Station, HIP 93685
Thomas Orbital, Wolf 1241
Wisniewski-Snerg Prospect, Anagorovici
Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:
Brady City, Shouvul
Cerulli Port, Setet
Chiang Port, Gero Kiaku
Flagg Station, 41 Upsilon-4 Eridani
Nagata Port, Setet
North Dock, Amaunet
Riebe Enterprise, Checha
Russ Landing, Segon
Schmitt Platform, BD+08 642
Tani Hub, Ainunnicori
van der Riet Woolley Orbital, Jabugaly
Vinci Ring, HIP 91085
Younghusband Station, Miku

Source: Galnet News
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