Lucan Onionhead Farmers Welcome Agricultural Commodities Traders

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GalNet News

Your Galaxy In Focus
Reports have reached GalNet that Lucan Onionhead farmers in the Tanmark system have been receiving regular supplies of Agricultural Medicine, Crop Harvesters, Land Enrichment Systems and Biowaste from intrepid traders sympathetic to their cause.
"This is welcome news" said Georgio Algeria of the Kappa Fornacis Farmers Union. "A few Commanders helped us in Panem, and that's cool but not enough. If enough of you can help get them to Tanmark we'll be happy. And so will you. This is the way we make Onionhead bigger, better. It's what we all want. Long live Onionhead! Lucan Onionhead for all!"
No Federal representatives were available to comment.

Source: Galnet News
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