Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report

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GalNet News

Your Galaxy In Focus
This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy's minor factions.
Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems:
Caspatsuria Empire Assembly
Glutia Citizens of Tradition
Social Ix Chita Partnership
Windri and Co
Xue Davokje Empire League
62 Ursae Majoris Silver Life Ltd
Wu Kich Solutions
Parnut Purple Power Corporation
LP 747-25 Creative Organisation
Rugai Interstellar
Expansions occur when a minor faction reaches a sufficient level of influence and there is a populated system within striking distance. Expansion is costly, so when a faction expands, the wealth and development level of the system it controls are temporarily reduced.
Here are the latest factions in withdrawal:
HR 8170 Brotherhood
15 Pegasi Legal Limited
LP 715-52 Network
BD-08 535 Services
Jarildekald Public Industry
Chem Holdings
People's 73 Rho Cygni Democrats
LP 404-66 Life Industry
Values Party of LTT 10462
Huokang Silver Universal Ind
Factions are considered to be in withdrawal if their level of influence within a system drops below a certain level. If the faction's influence remains low for a total of five days, the faction must leave the system entirely. If the faction manages to increase its level of influence, it remains in the system.

Source: Galnet News
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